CTS Photography


We have all of the photos (over 15,000) sorted from the National Mountain Trail show.
If you would like to purchase all images on a thumb drive, please email chris@oregonhorsecente.com for prices and ordering information.

We will have a link here shortly for you to view and purchase the photos taken at the show.
Thank you all for being so patient with us.

When you place a photo order, Chris will crop and do basic photo editing including fixing red or white eyes.  If you would like any special editing, please make a note of that in the comment box.  Call or email Chris at the Oregon Horse Center office for more information.   If you would like a photo CD of your images, contact Chris directly, chris@oregonhorsecenter.com

For photography information and orders contact Chris at 541-689-9700 or chris@oregonhorsecenter.com

Stop by the Feed Room Restaurant to see what Chris has in Montana Silversmith Jewelry and home goods.   If you would like to order custom buckles for your next horse show prize, Chris has a catalog to browse through.


Email chris:

chris@oregonhorsecenter.com - 541-689-9700